Archive for September, 2015

Harvest Thanks Giving Service – Sunday 27th Sept 2015

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The Harvest Thanks Giving Service will take place on Sunday 27th September 2015 at 10.30am in the church.  Once again the charity we are supporting is Maggie’s meal the congregation are invited to bring gifts of ‘backpacks’ to church filled with:

pens    jotters      shorts/skirts,

pencils   eraser      T-shirt/dress

crayons   spoon      flip-flops/sandals

pencil sharpener  ball      toothbrush

pencil case  soap      toothpaste

ruler   towel       children’s underwear

These will be distributed to those in need by Mary’s Meals

* Clothing for children aged 4 – 12 is suitable.

* Second-hand items are fine if they ...


Session Meeting – Sunday 4th Oct 2015

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There will be a Session meeting on Sunday 4th October 2015 following the church service at 11.30am  to discuss and plan the year ahead.  The Elders have to give some consideration to ideas for the Stewardship of Time as this will be looked at over the next year.
