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Jigsaw Club Update

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The Jigsaw Club

The Jigsaw Club are delighted that are numbers are sustaining and in fact, seem to be increasing which is very encouraging! The youngsters have been looking at Luke and John since January including;  the Baptism of Jesus, Jesus turning water into wine, Christian Unity and Transfiguration.

We are getting the message across using games, crafts and lessons and stories.  Two members of the Team attended a whole day  event at West Kilbride Parish Church on Sat 6th Feb 2016 called “Equipped”. The day was for those working with young people within the church to encourage, challenge and inspire.  There were various seminars on; bible engagement, creative prayer with young people, young leaders and leading games.  There was a great emphasis on sharing of ideas and it is hoped that this may be repeated in the future.  It was certainly useful to those who attended and the games were put into action the very next day on Sunday morning!

The Jigsaw Club Team

(Rev Marion Howie, Kerry Allison, Tom and Emma McCorgray, Karen McKay, Gillian Reeve)