Notice Board

Picnic in the Park – Sunday 29th May 2016

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Once again we are celebrating the start of summer with an ‘All Age Family Day’ & Picnic.  This year we are going to McGavin Park, on Sunday 29th May. This is the last day of the JIGSAW Club, and the start of our Church activities winding down for the summer.  All are welcome, please come along between 12.30pm & 3pm, there’ll be activities for all – bring your own picnic and maybe a seat!  Bring your family and your dogs too!  We will have shelter should the weather be unkind to us & toilets are available.  All children must have an adult with them.  The weather wasn’t too kind to us the last time we held our picnic, but it didn’t stop us having a great day.  Here’s hoping for sun, fun, fellowship and food! 


The Time Team