Notice Board


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Last year many of you participated in ‘The Posada’ and I hope you will take part this year again. The idea of Posada comes from Mexico where people dress up as Mary and Joseph and go from house to house telling people about Jesus and asking for a room to stay overnight. Here we pass round little figures of Mary and Joseph and we hope you will put them in a special place in your home during their time with you. Each of us will make room for them for at least one night and then take them on to another home. In this way, we prepare ourselves to make room for the Lord Jesus in our hearts and our homes this Christmas, not just as individuals and families, but as a community together.

There is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule – please add your name and phone number to it if you would like to take part. The person on the list before you will keep Mary and Joseph for the night and then bring them to you the next day. You then give them a home for the night and take them to the next person on the list. If you wish to take part but are unable to pass Mary and Joseph on, just contact Isobel and she will arrange for them to be collected and dropped off. There is also a short bible reading and prayer printed that can be said when you take Mary and Joseph to the home you visit. This is also a lovely way of getting to know one another.